Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

For 'Patient and Amazing Mayors' - EA Names Free Games For SimCity Buyers - Forbes

For 'Patient and Amazing Mayors' - EA Names Free Games For SimCity Buyers - Forbes

When EA and Maxis announced that they were going to offer a free game to buyers of SimCity through their Origin digital download store, it seemed like a good gesture to make. The games would cost almost nothing for EA to offer, may actually shift some DLC, and a similar approach after the Sony PlayStation Network hack was widely praised.

SimCity 4 introduces day-night cycles as well ...

Monumentum aere perennius - SimCity 4 , one of the free games being offered, offers densely-populated cities (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Since then, the story has mutated like a bacillus in an too-warm water treatment plant, with various claims, counterclaims, revelations and hacks around the use and necessity of the always-on Internet connection which caused the problems in purchasing and playing the game in the first place.

Taken in that light, and along with a falling off of review scores in the face not only of connectivity problems but also perceived limitations to the game’s engine once the thing was made to work, this offer now feels a little last-news-cycle.

However, the games have been announced, and are a pretty impressive selection: owners of SimCity can choose from Battlefield 3, Bejeweled 3, Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Plants vs. Zombies and, perhaps somewhat ironically, SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition.

(Further irony may be found in the legal notice that those too young to access online services will automatically receive SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition and Bejeweled 3. Online services being sort of what got us here in the first place.)

With the exception of Sim City 4, versions made available are the standard edition. It is notable that some of these games, most notably Mass Effect 3, have sparked considerable controversy of their own. Nonetheless, this is a solid mix of casual and more core-gamer titles, reflecting the catholic appeal of, at least, the ideal of SimCity. 

Yo, dawg â€" I put a SimCity in your SimCity so you can simulate cities while you wait to play SimCity

Maxis’ email struck an apologetic but upbeat tone:

At Maxis, our studio values dictate that we innovate and create something that is quirky, complex and challenging. Sometimes this bites us in the butt, but our servers are green and we’re seeing record numbers of players all online and having a great time.

For many players, now able to get online and also rewarded with a “free” game by digital download, this will be the end of the story. For others, however, this will read as a sop. A victim of its own size, EA has now reached a point where its overtures will be met with deep suspicion by a group of gamers, who see themselves as increasingly the victims of EA’s acquisition and retooling of beloved studios and franchises.

All about the Simoleons â€" will a free game calm the storms around SimCity?

Curved roads, straight talking

However, from a spin management perspective, EA must know that it will be largely unable to reach or persuade this core. In 2009, Valve flew the leaders of a campaign to boycott Left 4 Dead 2 to Bellevue to discuss their concerns. This neatly both showed Valve as good guys, ready to talk to their disgruntled fans, and undermined the credibility of those leaders in the eyes of their own fringe. If EA were to try the same approach, it might at this point need to charter a Dreamliner.

However, EA does not need to win everyone over â€" it just needs to do enough to get SimCity out of the press read by investors (rather than message boards which are not), and hopefully make those who are still ready to be won over feel like they have been compensated for their inconvenience. Ultimately, for many this will come down to how much they enjoy the game they have paid for, rather than the game they are being offered for free.

The download portal will open on 22 March worldwide, and anyone who has registered their copy of SimCity before 26 March will be able to redeem one of the free games until  March 31.


Bulldoze me and rezone me for high-value retail on Twitter. Actually, please don’t.

Source Article from http://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnyegriffiths/2013/03/18/for-patient-and-amazing-mayors-ea-lists-free-games-for-simcity-buyers/

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